Pet Services

Looking for veterinary services in San Antonio, Texas? Churchill Veterinary Hospital offers a wide range of veterinary services for pets in the following areas:

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    Cold Laser Therapy

    Alleviates Pain: reduces muscle and joint pain, chronic arthritis, and repetitive stress disorders in pets. Reduces inflammation/arthritis: Promotes healing, boosts circulation, and reduces inflammation and arthritis symptoms. Recover from injury:…

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    Surgical Laser

    Benefits of Laser Surgery   There are 3 major advantages of laser surgery when compared to traditional stainless steel surgical scalpels, which are decreased pain, decreased bleeding, improved tissue healing…

  • Wellness Exams

    Your pet can benefit greatly from regular wellness examinations or checkups. Wellness examinations provide an excellent opportunity for us to conduct a thorough physical examination which can help us identify medical problems…

  • Ultrasound

    Although humans and animals are different in many ways, some advances in human medicine are also very useful for veterinary patients. One of these advances, diagnostic ultrasound, has proven to…

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    Radiology (X-Rays)

    We utilize digital radiography for the entire body including dental structures. A radiograph (sometimes called an x-ray) is a type of photograph that can look inside the body and reveal information that may not…

  • Parasite Prevention and Control

    Veterinary parasite testing and prevention are important ways to protect your pet’s health. Annual parasite tests (heartworm tests and fecal parasites) are strongly recommended for every dog. We also recommend year-round heartworm…

  • Nutritional Counseling

    Nutrition plays a critical role in your pet’s overall health and well-being. Many pet owners take nutrition for granted, in part because the availability of so many nutritionally complete commercial…

  • Laboratory

    Most of our laboratory tests are run through Antech Diagnostics. We also routinely perform in-house diagnostics such as bloodwork and urine on Abaxis machines, FIV/Feline Leukemia Testing,  Parvovirus Testing, and  Cytology…

  • Dental Care

    Dental disease is the most common disease affecting dogs and cats. Dental pain and infection are often present without a pet exhibiting any symptoms. Because of this, regular professional evaluation…

  • Bathing

    We are able to bathe your pet during most weekdays (excluding Saturdays). This service includes nail trimming, ear cleaning and anal gland expression. There are a variety of shampoos available,…