Dental Care

Dental disease is the most common disease affecting dogs and cats. Dental pain and infection are often present without a pet exhibiting any symptoms. Because of this, regular professional evaluation and cleaning under anesthesia is important to maintain your pet’s health. The teeth are evaluated by probing under the gumline and using dental x-rays. Each tooth is cleaned thoroughly above and below the gumline. The teeth are polished and either a fluoride or sealant (Sanos) is applied to make the teeth more resistant to plaque buildup. At home dental care is also critical to the health of you pet. We carry a variety of products from CET  and Clenz-a-dent.

A referral can be made to a veterinary dentist in cases that require advanced dental treatment beyond tooth extraction. A great resource for further information is the American Veterinary Dental College .


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Call us at: 210-344-8961, We would be more than happy to assist you with booking an appointment.

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Pet Health Library

Churchill Veterinary Hospital is pleased is to provide a library of professionally written articles updated by practice experts.

They are reviewed by practitioners to bring you the most up-to-date, trustworthy pet health information.

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Pet Health Checker

Use our Pet Health Checker tool to help you decide if your pet's symptoms require immediate attention or if you should continue to monitor those symptoms at home.

This is a great way to make sure your pet is healthy!

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